Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thursday Night

we had a great visit! Mom was in good spirits, very chatty, and high energy. we had a visit from Dr. Krieger during dinner (downstairs in the cafeteria). He was checking the special cushion, and ordered the better one. He asked her how she thought the therapy was going...accessing? He said our goals for this week are the bladder issue and standing longer. We also had a shower in the chair as opposed to the boat, which she tolerated beautifully. I helped the nurse, as she seemed to appreciate the extra female in the shower. Mom still has the male nurse issue, but is getting better. Chester and Ralph helped with two standing moves and she let them with no complaints. Not one ouch through all that commotion!

I put in a call to subacute Marianjoy in Downers. Admissions lady did call me back, but I missed her call while at the dentist. I'll contact her today and see if we can get on the list.

Keep up the encouragement. Mom just needs to stand longer...I feel she is just on the verge of lurching forward in her progress. Her outlook is much better the longer she's there. Our nurse Charisma, said wow, don't you look great! She noticed a big difference since last week...keep up the good work everyone! karla


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

1:20 AM  

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