Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday Night

Mom ate well, including some organic yogurt from Trader Joe's. She's still complaining of being bloated. Hopefully that medicine will kick in soon and get her some relief! Until then, she will eat less and less...

The swelling on the knee has gone down... she looks goood. Sitting up straighter. I asked her to remind her doctor to order the massage. I've got the phone number to order the massage, but it has to be prescribed by the doctor. Sara - how do we get that prescription? Lisa offered to make a call tomorrow to see what she could find out.

Resting and sleeping on her side is giving her some relief from back pain.

Ginger has left us her number as she is being transfered to her daughter's this week. She is pretty together, so I think it wouldn't hurt to keep in touch. She is also a good resource for info and mom does seem to like her. Ginger's sister lives just north of Hayward, Wisconsin...small world, isn't it?

We came up with new verbage for her's dormant, like a seed waiting for the right timing to sprout. It's important she think positively, so we lotioned and massaged both hands and wrists tonite. Please read the book Sara mentioned for the passive therapy ..we can work on that at our night time visits.

Peg has her knee surgery this week. Mom was disturbed, but not surprised that she couldn't talk Peg out of it. All of us wish the best outcome for her and will be thinking about her on the 11th!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

7:47 AM  

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