Sunday, July 30, 2006

Day of Rest

Last night, John and Kelly brought mom a really nice tempurpedic head rest. She was enjoying it today. They also gave her a manicure and brought yogurt. Today was a no therapy day, and Kris went mid day to visit. The Cubs were on, and mom took a pretty good nap. After Kris left, Joanne from Premier stopped by with fresh flowers. Mom was resting when I arrived just before dinner. We had dinner with Lou, and mom was thrilled to have crackers with her tuna! Texture is a real treat these days. I also brought her some little yogurts, and she ate one with dinner. The other three are marked on the packaging. They are in the chart room down the hall in that fridge. Please see to it that she has some if you are on duty. She ate well, and we had a nice bright window, so we did almost a full game of Scrabble after dinner. She was in good form, and was playing well, (ie pundit, devoid, among others) . We saved the game to finish another time. At 8 she was getting ready for bed and she was wide awake. Looking for a Sox game, but we settled on Desperate Housewives. I forgot to do her dentures.....I hope the staff has the wherewithall to do that each night. (?) I will bring up these things tomorrow at the 2:15 meeting. If you have concerns, let me know so I can ask. We only get a chance every two weeks to talk directly with them. Kris found out that showers are Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Please make an effort to see that she gets a shower...I told her tomorrow to expect one. She is so damn concerned about the poor little girls working there that she doesn't want to trouble them. She will let me help with this, so I know she will let Lisa, Sara or Susi also.

Keep up the encouragement! Thanks.


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