Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday night visit

hi everyone,

Very good visit. Mom sounded like herself , looked good, ate well, had her leg elevated and her teeth in. She and her roommate were kibbitzing in the hallway as we arrived. Peg was just leaving, and it's great to see her getting so much personal attention. I know it helps her feel less isolated. I'd like to thank all of you who have been sending letters, cards, notes, and photos. Keeping her in touch with the world is easier with all your support, and no doubt very important. She said "they've decided I still have my mind" and we agreed that was pretty nice of them.

Her sugars are hovering just about 200 daytime and 160ish at evening...should be getting better as mobility increases. She likes all her therapists, and says they work their butts off. She insistsI bring bakery treats on Sunday morning.

We talked about discharge date, she asked if we had heard. I told her what they told us....end of month, but every week, they reaccess and that's just a guess. Don't put a lot of stock in it, and don't let it bother you if it changes. She said they told her that the longer they keep you there reflects how much potential you have. What a good way to think about it! The positive thing is that she is planning on getting herself home. She realizes she will need help, and said she'll hire someone. Good to know she is thinking forward and longterm. It is truly a ray of sunlight that she has such a clear head and she will be able to make many decisions for herself.

Test was rescheduled for Monday (I think) and she is hydrating as much as possible in the meantime. dr. Chidouri is unfortunately leaving us, and Dr. kredter (sp?) is starting tomorrow. Lisa, you'll probably want to see if you can get her contact info for Sara. Monday is a regular therapy day, but Tuesday the 4th is not. It's a day off, so she may need extra visitors.

Mike and I left at eight, and mom was sitting up comfortably with Ginger, talking and reading.

What an inspiring visit! I feel much better!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

the saga continues

Tonight my visit with mom was good, in that she was talkative, alert, and sassy....bad in other ways. Continual problems with the staff...leg not elevated and very swollen, dentures out during mealtime, and no pain killers for several hours, pillows behind her neck in the chair forcing her to hunch over, quite hard to eat while looking DOWN at your lap. I went and got her dentures, the staff told me she refused both pain meds and elevating her leg (because it hurt too much to touch). I had the nurse bring the ultram back right away and mom did take it with coaxing. There was a large sign on her board to make sure she has her dentures in for meals, but , of course, the meals were being served in the hall. I wrote a comment card regarding ENCOURAGING THE PATIENT TO TAKE THE PRESCRIBED PAIN MEDS, Peg also confirmed that she would take them if she had a choice. I told her it was ok, and Sara said it was ok to have ultram. I talked to the nurse about the elevation thing and she said to talk to Dr. Chidouri about having her elevated (above the heart) and that he could make it part of her DAILY routine. That they could schedule therapies around it. She is having a hard time eating because she says she's bloated and too full. They are doing a test on Friday at 11:00 am or so to determine bladder function problems. I signed off on this as they asked me to, but Sara, let me know if this is a good thing for her. Don't remember the name of the test. Nurse Cheryl said it's a short 30 minutes or so test. Longer to set it all up actually. There are medications for this problem, which is a typical stroke rection, but I didn't get into that. I suppose we see what the test tells us first.

I think we need to speak to the case worker AND Dr. I think Monday is their meeting. since I'm off this monday, I'd like to go face to face with her Dr. and team. We need to address the ever- present problems that continue to occur, even after Lisa has painstakingly contacted and hounded the case worker for the cooperation of the staff. I don't understand why the knee Dr's order to elevate the leg isn't enough, and why Dr. Chidouri can't see that the swelling is so bad that it is causing continual pain and she's probaby seeing stars..

I'm frankly sick of this , and would like to get some level of assurance that they are treating her whole person, not just a couple things. Who would like to come with me?

On the upside, Mom's dentures were nicely cleaned and waiting for her, her ted hose was on, her lavender pillow was with her, they let me heat it up, and the nurses were attentive. mom told me her physical therapists name is Alan, she STOOD UP TODAY and he worked her very hard. her psychologist said she passed the memory test. Mom was a bit unconvinced that her memory is fine. She said "I passed the memory test, isn't that funny?"I talked with her regarding compliance to taking the pain medication. She said OK. She looked comfortable when I left after they put her CDM machine on and checked her for pain, using only one pillow ehind her neck, without me having to tell them that. We had a few moments of hand massage and I left the Cubs game on for her. She was sleepy at 7:30, so I left.

Peg has offered to visit as much as she can before she herself goes to have her knee done on July 20th. She plans to accompany us to mass this sunday. Mom told Peg to cancel her surgery, but Peg has her mind made up to go ahead. Please wish her well...I will get her temporary address to keep her updated on mom and see how she is through her therapy. She plans to stay with her son for a few weeks.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday Afternoon

Hello everyone,

Mom was in good spirits, and alert today during our visit. Around 2-4. . Mike and I brought Toby for a visit. He did very well... no jumping. Thanks to his extra special attention from all of his visitors, he was calm. I think mom was happy to see him. He did get up on her arm rest and kissed her quite a bit! We went outside and used the paved walk, past the gazebo and a few patches of flowers. We read cards and email messages and walked Toby at the same time. Mom was relieved that Barbara is fine. Patsy and Rosie plan to visit together after the 4th.

She told me about speech therapy. Her Speech Therapist is Erin. We also discussed briefly 'the plan'. I said "you can do this" and she answered with "I have to". and I said "I know you can". I had no bouts of crying. I assured her that we are not giving up on her, or her left arm. she needs to keep up her attitude and learn to be patient with herself (probably the hardest thing of all).

Her knee was not bothering her much (only 0ne 'ouch'). Her leg was elevated, thanks to Lisa. Her sugar is getting better ...this am was 153...much better.

Mom has a new roommate, Ginger, who is also diabetic, with a broken leg in several places. She is similar in age Judging by her daughter, and she is quite nice. They have been trading family stories, etc, and I think Ginger is a Cubs fan as well. Mom is also making friends with the employees there. When we wheeled her down to the elevator , the whole group said hello, Elaine.

We talked about her therapy sessions. She told me she had the nurse and a doctor give her massage. I'm not sure when, she may have been referring to Thurs. or Friday. She likes it at any rate, because she brought it up.

Lisa says there is a room down the hall on her floor to the left of the nurses station (report room) which has some space to lounge with chairs and tables for us if we want to spread out, read the paper, nice and bright with windows! If we can get her in there, you'll have more space to maneuver and it's a nice change of pace for dinner if you don't want the hallway.

Susi wants to know what she can do, and wants to know about calling during our visits so she can say hi to mom.

Sara says she will talk to the case manager on Mondays after the weekly assessments and post her findings and concerns. Sara will talk to Marlys and see how her visit went yesterday.

I know Elinor , Ronnie and Keith are planning a visit tomorrow. Lisa or I will go for dinner. Over and out...Karla

Friday, June 23, 2006

Jun 23

Hi everyone,

Marianjoy called me this am at work to ask if I was planning to accompany mom to her doctor's visit at CDH for the surgeon to see her knee. Standard re check. Didn't know about it.

I went , had a ride over in the med van, excellent and very nice driver, and the doc said the knee looks good. He was also surprised that she is handling the pain so well with just ultram and tylenol and ice. Personally, I think the pain is zoning her out a bit, as she was not perky today. Her swelling in the knee is problematic when she sits in the chair for several hours at a time. I asked him to insist that they elevate her leg at some point in between the therapies, or at least immediately after the therapy sessions. He said it would help a lot if they did, so he wrote it in her notes. KEEP AFTER THEM ALL TO DO IT! He wants the leg elevated above her heart, not just off the floor. This means laying her down....don't take it for granted that they are doing it, please ask when they are elevating it and for how long. The knee is healing well, though, and she can stop worrying about getting it wet. We can be thankful for that. I was truthfully worried about our driver on the way back to Marianjoy. She was nothing like the gentleman who drove us in. I am writing him a comment card (available at the elevator) to remark on his great level of professionalism and excellent attitude.

I'm concerned about sugar level. 230 today. Please askwhere her number is on a regular basis. She is on the diabetic diet 1800 calories, low salt, etc. Please check if you are there at meals that they are not giving her pre-sweetened iced tea. She hates it. she prefers water or unsweetened tea. Sara, can you get them to change/adjust meds regarding glucose levels? she is taking her pre-op prescription of glucophage at night and the combo glyburide/glucophage in the am. It doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Please advise. Her new doc name is Chouduri. New nurse today was Mary Miller...very attentive and concerned. Two female aides got her lying down with very little disturbance ..I was impressed. Also impressive was the fact that they are massaging her leg and neck, and that she enjoys it.

Thanks to Kelly's parents, mom has a beautiful azalea in her room.

Lisa is joining mom for dinner, and possibly John, too.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Evening Visit

Mom is settled in to the new room. Room mate Joyce is a young girl, very pleasant. Her sister came to take out for a spin, so we had the room to ourselves. We finished dinner together, got ready for bed, watched a few innings of the cubs game, and read her latest mail. Her pain in the knee is still pretty strong(8 1/2 to be precise), but she was due for pain med and the nurse (Chad) was quick to get her both pain killers and ice bags. Her new motto is "Ice is Nice". Her sugars are coming down...were high earlier, but around 170 this evening. Sara, what is the safe range? Her pain was subsiding by the time I left at 8 PM. She was alert all evening and wasn't getting sleepy till after 7. We cleaned her dentures with no problems, and she was due for a CPM on the knee yet tonight. Please remember to refresh the flower water daily. The one vase is enough, it fits nicely on the dresser top next to dad's photo. I will replenish flowers regularly. Keep up the good work, all! Karla

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

CAT Scan results

Great news from Lisa... The scan came back negative. Mom is fine, alert and awake at this unGodly hour. She's going right back to Marianjoy to get some sleep, as we speak.

Back to CDH

Hi all, mom is transfering to cdh tonight for a brain scan. the disruption in her vision today is curious to the doctor. there is a chance that the scan will show nothing which is a sign that she had a temporary thing -tia- and it has passed. that would be a good result. we hope the scan does not show a significant change, as that may mean something more serious is wrong, in which case, there may nothing we can do about it. she is not a candidate for another surgery at this time. lisa is standing by at the hospital. i am on call to relieve her in the am in case she is still there. let's hope she gets her scan, it shows nothing and they ship her back to bed at marianjoy.


Family Visiting Schedule

Dear family,
I worked out a visiting schedule for this week after talking to most of you....

TuesdayPM june 20......John
Wednesday PM june 21......Karla
Thursday.PM jun 22.....John/Kelly
Friday.PM jun 23.....Karla/Mike /Toby
Saturday afternoon..Jun 24 Lisa
Saturday late afternoon , evening Kris(?)
Sunday AM jun25 10:30 church/Karla/Mike
Sunday afternoon, evening /Lisa

John and Kelly have a trip to DC/Virginia beginning Jun24 - July 3
...many thanks to Sara for all her help and support this week

Monday, June 19, 2006


As Elaine rehabs at Marianjoy, family members will use this space to post updates. Family and friends alike will be able to monitor Elaine's progress as she recuperates. The goal here is to keep communication lines open at all times, in an organized way.

Keep in mind... the time stamp below every post is in Pacific time, which is 2 hrs behind CST and 3 hrs behind EST.