Friday, August 18, 2006

Positive attitude

Mom stood for 2 minutes today! She says it nearly killed her, but next week she will be up to 5....I was pretty impressed with the 2...moving in the right direction at last with this issue. We read the story to her about Ed O'Malley who also in his 70's had a left side stroke, but pneumonia and a tracheotemy to boot. He had swallowing issues too. He took about 9 months but is back living on his own in Chicago and rehabbed at Rest Haven. Told her Sara had a new vocation all lined up for her, inspiring others when she is well enough. we are going to Door County with the Marino side of Mike's family starting tomorrow....I told her to plan on coming with us next summer.

Mom's appetite was so-so. Dinner was a measly hot dog on a bun, chips, soup and cole slaw, but luckily, Mike brought her a Johnny's italian beef with peppers to substitute for the hot dog. She ate ok....still no yogurt for dessert. Mom also had a gift from Bernie, a Cubs hat, a card, and a new blanket from Lisa, two new pairs of shoes also from Lisa, aka her personal shopper. We brought Toby for a visit and he enjoyed meeting several patients. Mom seems disinterested in him when he's there, but enjoys hearing stories about how well he is adjusting, etc. Kris came tonight too, and Toby was truly thrilled to see him. Kris stayed to make sure mom got to bed after her shower with her feet elevated. I was glad to finally see a note to the staff in mom's room re: making sure to do dentures at night and check for them being in before breakfast every day.

Mom heard from Mary Lynn, her old boss at premier, and they talked about the staffing inadequacies of nursing centers all across the country. It is good to know mom's friends are keeping such good tabs on her, too.


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